WA breweries toast local firefighters with new beer

A close call with flames near home has prompted a tribute beer from a band of South West breweries.
Representatives from Artisan Brewing from Denmark, Bootleg Brewery, Cheeky Monkey Brewing Co, Eagle Bay Brewing Co, Rocky Ridge Brewing Co, Cowaramup Brewing Co and Wild Hop Brewing Co from Margaret River got together last month to produce a beer in honour of local firefighters.
The idea was spawned by a fire near the family home of Cheeky Monkey Managing Director Brent Burton. The work of the fireys helped limit the damage.
The South West collective, which donated its time and resources, met at Cheeky Monkey's new Vasse brewery two weeks ago to concoct the special beer - a sessionable 4.5 per cent Red Ale called Firefighters Friend.
The team recalled the bravery of the firefighters in helping with the Ellerslie hops farm inferno and Burton's plight so the motto was – "brewing a beer and giving back to these legends was an easy decision".
It was also welcomed by the local firefighting organisation, which will receive proceeds from the sale of the collaboration beer.
“Giving to our community is something that comes from the heart of all volunteers. We do this not just because it's the right thing to do: we do it because we want do it out of love for our respective communities. Thanks to the South West brewers and all involved in this project you’re a great bunch and this initiative is a great thing to be part of.” Richard Moroney, Captain Rosa Brook Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade.
Firefighters Friend will be released during WA Beer Week, which runs between June 20-30.
“The challenge was to brew a beer that the firefighters could use to quench their thirst, while still keeping craft beer enthusiast interested,” Burton said.
Artisan Brewing helped with some yeast, while Ellersie Hops donated most ingredients for the beer after their headquarters burnt down last year.
“Following our own devastating fire at the hop farm, last April, we were very happy to be given the opportunity to get involved. As well as benefiting the brave men and women who voluntarily fight fires in the South West, this collaboration brew should be a cracking addition to WA Beer Week,” said Patrick-James Matan from Ellersie Hop Estate.
Firefighters Friend will be available in 375ml Cans and in Kegs, pouring at numerous venues in Perth and the South West of WA.
Proceeds will be used to purchase new firefighting equipment.