Lord Nelson to raise bat after 5000 brews

Lord Nelson is often referred to by three strokes. It reflected the myth that the great English naval hero had one arm, one leg and one eye.
The triple notches could also represent the run of honours for the Lord Nelson’s current custodian.
Blair Hayden turned Australia’s longest operating hotel (now 176 years) into a craft brewery in 1986, and late last year celebrated 30 years – a veritable lifetime in the caper – of producing beers under the Lord Nelson brand.
Hayden’s impact on the industry was rewarded last week when Stone and Wood named the annual Forefathers release in his honour. The special beer was an English Pale Ale, befitting the Nelson history.
And in the next few weeks the Lord will register another feat when the in-house beer-makers deliver its 5000th brew.
The Sip was fortunate to visit the brewhouse last week and snapped a shot detailing how close Lord Nelson was to the milestone.
Other Australian craft brewers have produced more batches in less time but the 5000-brew mark is a testament to the consistency of the English Ales approach Hayden has closely followed.
The Lord Nelson team has confirmed a celebration to mark the occasion.
For the record, the Lord produces a beer called 111 and it is part of the brewery’s year seasonal range.
It is in the English IPA style with English Goldings hops giving it a fruity splash
And before we go the 111 story about Lord Nelson is an old wives’ tale. He never lost a leg. But the English cricket team do call 111-run totals a Nelson. And in wrestling a half-Nelson is ........