NBC takes its beer down the Swan

The Northbridge Brewing Company continues its march this week when it takes over some beloved ground south of the river.
Ken Arrowsmith’s beer club sessions at the NBC have become very popular over the past 18 months and now the brewery’s mastermind is being drawn to the Left Bank in East Fremantle on Thursday to extend the reach of his knowledge.
The Left Bank has also been hosting education nights but thought it was time to bring Arrowsmith (above), a veteran of the WA beer industry, to the venue.
It coincides with an NBC tap takeover at the Left Bank. Arrowsmith’s Pale Ale, Wheat, Kolsch, IPA, Lager and the limited edition Session Ale will all be available for the first time together outside of the Northbridge HQ.
Left Bank’s Beer Club is open to enthusiasts of all levels so don’t worry if you can’t tell your Stout from Saison, The Left Bank and NBC’s team of experts will guide you through.
Tickets for Thursday are $10 and tasting kicks off at 7.00pm in the upstairs River Bar. Registration is on the Left Bank Facebook page.